On Jul 1, 2013 8:26 AM, "Xebar Saram" <zelt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I have been using dropbox since i started using orgmode a few weeks ago
(yeah im a neewb :)), which kinda works but i find it very annoying as it
keeps creating conflicted copies, isnt reliable on my Linux main machine
etc etc..
> I was wondering what you guys do for syncing org files between PC's,
Os's, devices (android etc)..
> Best
> Itai


For keeping org files in sync between real computers, version control seems
to me the obvious way to go. It gets you sync and history.

There is perhaps a bit of a learning curve, but time spent learning widely
useful tools is time well spent :-)

bzr and hg are (superficially?) easier and git is pretty dominant.

For Android, mobile org push to android has worked for me (syncing over SD
rather than the cloud or WebDAV). Pulling from Android hasn't been reliable
enough for me to use it.


Brian vdB

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