
Nice discussion.  I hope it makes it into a Worg page eventually :)

Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:
> * Alan Schmitt <alan.schm...@polytechnique.org> wrote:
>> Just to clarify what I think Karl is saying: one can plug in
>> external tools to handle merge into unison, these tools can be
>> specialized depending on the file name (for instance the file
>> extension) or the file path. Getting the correct configuration
>> line may be tricky, but I, or people on the unison-users mailing
>> list, are ready to help.
> Of course. Thanks for clarifying!
> Alan, how about a short how-to on Worg about Unison and Org-mode
> methods?

Yeah, I'd like that too.  

Another option is Git Annex.  In my experience, it takes some effort
to get used to it, but perhaps less so if you're used to git.  One can
configure it to use regular git for e.g. text files.  It's build with
Haskell (and success of building it is more or less random), but the
author now provides binary packages for 32 and 64 bits.

It comes with a "webapp", which provides a minimalistic gui and
handles registration of new files etc.

And there's of course Bittorrent Sync, but its source has yet to be
released, but this is true for the dropbox as well.


This is the kind of tedious nonsense up with which I will not put

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