
I am creating .svg files with R source blocks and ESS in org. 

I am happily viewing them in-line in my emacs buffer. 

I am happily exporting as html and viewing them in-line in the resulting web 
page, including a table of images. 

I do not have an approach for including them into PDF when I export-tex-pdf. 

I'm thinking there might be an approach to converting them on-the-fly to png 
(or something) during the export->tex->pdf. 

A similar problem was addressed with custom macros here: 

But it does not work with  R source blocks that produce .svg files. 

Any suggestions for me?  Is this a lost cause?  Am I asking for too many 
assumptions to be made by such an auto-conversion process that it is doomed 
to fail anyway? 

Thanks for your thoughts and help! 


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