Rasmus <ras...@gmx.us> writes:

> The system should exhibit some flexibility supporting e.g. notes,
> parencite (prenote, key, year, postnote) and textcite key (prenote,
> year, postnote).  But there could be others.  E.g. someone mentioned
> using DOIs etc.

I am not a scholar.  I have never used Bibliographies before nor do I
foresee that I would have a need for it.

If someone is keen, it wouldn't be difficult to compile a common cases
of "what" of citation specification.  Atleast the minimal that the
community itself has used in the past.

    I want to include year, 
    page, some phrase          =>    Output should look like this - both
    in cite                          Intext & Reference.

How the syntax is specified and how it is implemented in Elisp should be
left to others.

For example, you can create a "bibliography.org" page in Worg (or may be
in some other Wiki).  You simply record the fact that wrapping of cite
fragments is an issue.  

To make progress, all information should be collected in a manner that
someone else can build upon.

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