CC me in the reply.

Alan L Tyree <> writes:

> G'day,
> I am the author of a legal text of about 700 pages. I currently have
> the book in LaTeX using the memoir class. A couple of macros define
> special indexes for a Table of Cases and a Table of Statutes.

Please share the existing macros.  Others may find it useful or get
inspiration from it.

> I would like to move the whole thing to Org to make it easier for my
> editors who can be easily alarmed by the LaTeX markup.
> The LaTeX is overkill since I submit the manuscript to the publisher
> in a Word file.

If you are interested in ODT export and find something missing, I would
be happy to implement.

The exporter currently doesn't print table of figures etc.  It is
something that I hope to flesh out.  Btw, the exporter already
categorises Math formula (meaning png images or MathML snippets
converted from Latex math snipppets) in to it's own sequence counter.
So I believe we can conjure up a way to enumerate the cases separately.

> Is there a standard way to get, say, the table of cases? A typical
> "case" looks like this:
>     Howell v Coupland (1874) LR 9 QB 462; (1876) 1 QBD 258
> The Table of Cases needs to indicate where in the text the case is
> mentioned; reference to section numbers is OK. So, for example, in the
> Table of Cases, the above case appears as:
>     Howell v Coupland (1874) LR 9 QB 462; (1876) 1 QBD 258  [15.16]
>     [15.25]

Assuming that the cases are introduced in a paragraph you can attach a
label and caption to a paragraph and link to the NAME with the usual
"reference" link.  (This is possible with the new exporter.)

#+CAPTION: A Non-sensical case
#+NAME: case:dismissed
This paragraph describes HowellvCoupland.


Another alternative would be to introduce the title of the case as a
paragraph of its own and styled separately and then link to the

#+ATTR_ODT: :style "Cases"
A Non-sensical case

This paragraph describes HowellvCoupland.


The difference between the two is this: In the second case, the name of
the case goes right in to document content rather than as a paragraph

In ODT, it is possible to "collect" paragraphs that have a given style
in to an index of it's own.


I am writing from memory and you know better than to repose trust on
someone you have never met. 

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