Follow up: at almost the end of my previous message I meant to say that:

" changing the name of the file, updating agenda with g and pressing *
R[emove]*. Then this file is also not picked up any more; not under the new
name or, if I change the name back, under it's old name."

Sorry for any confusion.


2013/10/23 Tor Eriksson <>

> Hello all,
> I have searched the web without finding a solution to the following
> problem:
> I am using this snippet in my .emacs.d (using emacs starterkit) to
> dynamically and recursively load all org files in the directory
> "important-directory" and any subdirectory of this directory:
> (load-library "find-lisp")
> (setq org-agenda-files (find-lisp-find-files "/home/user/important-directory" 
> "\.org$"))
> The snippet comes from
> This set-up has worked fine for more than two years; every time I add a
> new subdirectory with an .org file, this file gets picked up for the agenda.
> My problem is that now suddenly, one subdirectory with an .org file does
> not get picked up and I can not for the world figure out what is wrong.
> I had a file important-directory/sd/ that was picked up by the
> snippet. Then, without restarting, I changed the name to When
> refreshing the agenda with "g" it complains that the file is missing:
> "Non-existent agenda file ..../ [R]emove from list or [A]bort?".
> I chose Remove, thinking that restarting emacs with the snippet would pick
> up the new file name instead.
> However, what happens is that the new file name is not picked up. If I
> restart/run snippet, org-agenda-files is built but without the new file.
> I tested to see if some other code were responsible by commenting out the
> snippet with ;;. Upon restart org-agenda-files was not built/created as
> expected. Uncommenting the snippet and org-agenda-files was back but still
> without the new file
> In fact, now I can not get the snippet to pick up *any *new .org file in
> the directory .../important-directory or subdiretory! Even when the new
> .org file sits adjacent to a file that is picked up by the snippet.
> Also, if I do the same procedure again to another file that is picked up
> by the snippet by: changing the name of the file, updating agenda with g
> and pressing Abort. Then this file is also not picked up any more; not
> under the new name or, if I change the name back, under it's old name.
> This is causing serious trouble to me, since I use this system to keep
> track of deadlines that are really important.
> Does anybody have any ideas?
> Kind regards,
> Tor

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