Hello all,

I have searched the web without finding a solution to the following

I am using this snippet in my .emacs.d (using emacs starterkit) to
dynamically and recursively load all org files in the directory
"important-directory" and any subdirectory of this directory:

(load-library "find-lisp")
(setq org-agenda-files (find-lisp-find-files
"/home/user/important-directory" "\.org$"))

The snippet comes from http://orgmode.org/worg/org-faq.html

This set-up has worked fine for more than two years; every time I add a new
subdirectory with an .org file, this file gets picked up for the agenda.

My problem is that now suddenly, one subdirectory with an .org file does
not get picked up and I can not for the world figure out what is wrong.

I had a file important-directory/sd/file.org that was picked up by the
snippet. Then, without restarting, I changed the name to file-2.org. When
refreshing the agenda with "g" it complains that the file is missing:
"Non-existent agenda file ..../file.org. [R]emove from list or [A]bort?".

I chose Remove, thinking that restarting emacs with the snippet would pick
up the new file name instead.

However, what happens is that the new file name is not picked up. If I
restart/run snippet, org-agenda-files is built but without the new file.

I tested to see if some other code were responsible by commenting out the
snippet with ;;. Upon restart org-agenda-files was not built/created as
expected. Uncommenting the snippet and org-agenda-files was back but still
without the new file file2.org.

In fact, now I can not get the snippet to pick up *any *new .org file in
the directory .../important-directory or subdiretory! Even when the new
.org file sits adjacent to a file that is picked up by the snippet.

Also, if I do the same procedure again to another file that is picked up by
the snippet by: changing the name of the file, updating agenda with g and
pressing Abort. Then this file is also not picked up any more; not under
the new name or, if I change the name back, under it's old name.

This is causing serious trouble to me, since I use this system to keep
track of deadlines that are really important.

Does anybody have any ideas?

Kind regards,


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