Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Off the top of my head, I would say
> (add-to-list 'org-file-apps
>              '("\\.doc" . "env WINEPREFIX=\"/home/AW/.wine-office\" wine 
> \"C:\\windows\\command\\start.exe\" /Unix 
> \"/home/AW/.wine-office/dosdevices/c:/users/AW/Start Menu/Programs/Microsoft 
> Office/Microsoft Word 2010.lnk\""))
> i.e. just the command you provided enclosed in double quotes, except that
> certain characters within have to be escaped:
>     " -> \"    
>     \ -> \\
> The long string will probably be broken up into multiple lines by some
> mailer but it is supposed to be one long string with no newlines. I
> don't know if the spaces in the path will cause problems.
> Untested (except that I did evaluate the add-to-list and got no errors):
> no Word and no wine here.
> BTW, why not LibreOffice? Does it mishandle your .doc files?
> Nick

The easiest way to get the same effect is to use

    M-x customize-variable RET org-file-apps RET

and specify a command.  Once it is saved, the .emacs will have the
resulting "nightmarish string" :-)


Another way to "quote" a string would be to use

   M-x pp-eval-expression RET (read-string "Enter string: ") RET

and copy-paste the output from *Pp Eval Output* to .emacs or .el file.

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