Am Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013, 20:51:04 schrieb Jambunathan K:
> AW <> writes:
> > Thank you, customization worked, but it did not start word -- I'm going
> > another way now.
> I am playing a guessing game and really don't know what I am saying.
> Try this.
>     M-: (shell-quote-argument (read-string "Enter string:"))
>          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> When prompted enter
>     whatever wine whatever "%s"
> Now put whatever string you get in *Pp Eval Output* DIRECTLY in to your
> .emacs.  See the attached snippet.el for what I get.
> Instead of passing env as part of the command, I think you can add this
> to your .emacs.
>     (setenv "WINEPREFIX" "/home/AW/.wine-office")
> You can also do
>     M-x setenv
> to set environment variables.

I found out, that things are much more complicated: 

I wrote a bash script "" (see my other mail on this) and tried to figure 
out how to pass a filename to it. Even this is not obvious, because from the 
viewpoint of Word under Wine filenames differ from the real filename in the 
system. I did not suceed to make Word start and open a file foo.docx. You know, 
something weird as

"" "C:/users/AW/Meine Dokumente/Dokumente/temp/foo.docx"

made Word start, but not open a document, and Word complains about missing dot 
something. And often people send files with names which are a pain to read, 
including "$" -signs, brackets and whatever. 

The whole thing is way too difficult for me and I have to dismiss the idea.

Thanks to you and everyone who offered help, but it was not a good idea.



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