On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Christopher W. Ryan
<cr...@binghamton.edu> wrote:
> In LaTeX, I would typically use the enumitem package, and then start an
> itemized list with
> \begin{itemize}[itemsep=  ]
> where itemsep could equal whatever spacing I wanted.
> How do I change the inter-item vertical spacing (specifically, decrease
> it) in org-mode with pdflatex export?

If I follow correctly, you're saying that enumitem works in raw LaTeX
and you want to use it via Org-mode? If so, can you get by with
applying document-wide settings in the .org file header?

#+latex_header: \usepackage{enumitem}
#+latex_header: \setlist or \setenumerate [global options you want applied][1]

Or do you need control at the level of specific itemized groupings,
and thus document-wide settings wouldn't work for your situation?

Hope that helps?

[1] Like this: 

> Thanks.
> --Chris Ryan

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