On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Christopher W. Ryan
<cr...@binghamton.edu> wrote:
> Thanks, but I'm still having trouble.

[ snip ]

> \title{Review of our system for assessing students' clinical performance}
> \author{Christopher w. Ryan, MD MS}
> \date{\today}
> \hypersetup{
>   pdfkeywords={},
>   pdfsubject={},
>   pdfcreator={Emacs Org-mode version 7.9.3f}}

Note Org-mode version.

[ snip ]

> #+ATTR_LATEX: :options itemsep=1pt
> before a simple list in my org-mode subtree does not change the vertical
> spacing between list items at all.
> And a relevant exerpt from my .tex exported file is
> \begin{itemize}
> \item Don't fill out a form that the student has signed, blank, ahead of
> time
> \item Don't fill out a second form after you have already submitted one
> \item Don't mention any suggested grade for the clerkship. Performance
> in your office counts for half the final grade; the other half is based
> on other activities
> \end{itemize}
> Note no [itemsep= ] option.

I think the ability to pass #+attr_latex options to plain lists was a
more recent feature, > Org 8.0 with the new export framework. Unless
you're manually accessing that exporter via the sort of "trial period"
methods that used to exist while it was in heavy development, I'm
going to assume you're using the old exporter and thus don't have this

Here's the announcement/upgrade info if you'd like to update things to Org 8+:
- http://orgmode.org/worg/org-8.0.html

Here's my output:

==== Org file ====
#+latex_header: \usepackage{enumitem}

* Test

** normal

- item 1
- item 2
- item 3

** with enumitem

#+attr_latex: :options itemsep=1pt
- item 1
- item 2
- item 3

==== LateX output ====


\item item 1
\item item 2
\item item 3
\subsection{with enumitem}

\item item 1
\item item 2
\item item 3

In inspecting the PDF output, the spacing is, indeed, different
between the two lists (less in the second case).

I didn't comment on your per-headline latex setup/properties/issues,
as I don't really do that. I typically just put everything in the main
document. I'm sure someone else can chime in, though.

Best regards,

> --Chris
> Christopher W. Ryan, MD, MS
> SUNY Upstate Medical University Clinical Campus at Binghamton
> 425 Robinson Street, Binghamton, NY  13904
> cryanatbinghamtondotedu
> "Once we recognize that we do not err out of laziness, stupidity, or
> evil intent, we can liberate ourselves from the impossible burden of
> trying to be permanently right. We can take seriously the proposition
> that we could be in error, without deeming ourselves idiotic or
> unworthy." [Karen Schulz, in Being Wrong: Adventures in the Margin of Error]
> Thomas S. Dye wrote:
>> #+ATTR_LATEX: :options itemsep=1pt

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