OSiUX wrote:
> How to use alias and bash builtin functions?
>  #+BEGIN_SRC sh :session :results output
>    echo $SHELL
>    echo $HOME
>    source ~/.bashrc
>    alias | wc
>    env | grep HISTTIMEFORMAT
>    history | wc
>  #+END_SRC
>  : /bin/bash
>  : /home/osiris
>  :       0       0       0
>  : HISTTIMEFORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M
>  :       0       0       0

Just throwing an idea (as I don't know enough about that): play with the
variable `org-babel-sh-command' (default: "bash") and add options such as
"--login" or "--interactive" (or stuff like that)?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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