El vie, 06 dic 2013, Sebastien Vauban decĂ­a:

> OSiUX wrote:
> > How to use alias and bash builtin functions?
> >
> >  #+BEGIN_SRC sh :session :results output
> >    echo $SHELL
> >    echo $HOME
> >    source ~/.bashrc
> >    alias | wc
> >    env | grep HISTTIMEFORMAT
> >    history | wc
> >  #+END_SRC
> >
> >  #+RESULTS:
> >  : /bin/bash
> >  : /home/osiris
> >  :       0       0       0
> >  : HISTTIMEFORMAT=%Y-%m-%d %H:%M
> >  :       0       0       0
> Just throwing an idea (as I don't know enough about that): play with the
> variable `org-babel-sh-command' (default: "bash") and add options such as
> "--login" or "--interactive" (or stuff like that)?

Ok, add a "bash -i" and now is working well:

   #+BEGIN_SRC sh :session :results output
     grep bash ~/.emacs
     echo $SHELL
     echo $HOME
     alias | wc
     env | grep HISTTIMEFORMAT
     echo $BASH_VERSION
     shopt -s histappend
     set -o | grep history
     history | wc
     alias dia
     alias hh
     hh | tail
     history -a

   (setq org-babel-sh-command "bash -i")
       534    3236   29894
   history          on
      8275   44194  338107
   alias dia='date +%Y-%m-%d'
   alias hh='history | egrep $(dia)  | cut -c 19- | sort -u'
   17:10 set -o | grep history
   17:10 shopt -s histappend
   17:10 ssh sugar-mant
   17:10 sudo chown osiris.osiris config -R
   17:10 sudo chown osiris.osiris .* -R
   17:10 sudo chown osiris.osiris /var/run/screen/S-osiris
   17:10 sudo chown osiris.osiris /var/run/screen/S-osiris.*
   17:10 sudo -s

Sometimes I forget to start clock in a task,
then I use the history to know the timestamp



  Osiris Alejandro Gomez (OSiUX) os...@osiux.com.ar
  DC44 95D2 0D5D D544 FC1A F00F B308 A671 9237 D36C
  http://www.osiux.com.ar http://www.altermundi.net

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