I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for my solution, it's currently a
constructive procrastination project to see if it is possible ;)

I made this:


which does give some output that vaguely resembles json for a very simple
org-file (no quotes, no effort to make compliant json, or pretty print it,
for example). This handles headlines, italic, bold text, links, paragraphs,
and plain text.

I don't have much need for this right now, so it will probably not advance
much, but you might find it a starting point for you if the parse-tree
doesn't pan out.


John Kitchin
Associate Professor
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

On Thu, Dec 12, 2013 at 11:30 AM, Brett Viren <b...@bnl.gov> wrote:

> Hi John,
> John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> writes:
> > that sounds like an interesting approach. xml seems like what you
> > really want, since looking at the parsetree there is a lot of
> > information (e.g. attributes, properties, etc...) that would be tricky
> > to generate a fully representative json scheme.
> I see from your other thread that you are looking in to this idea of
> dumping to JSON.  That's great!  If you want a tester of your JSON
> exporter I'd be very happy to give it a try.  If it means I can abandon
> my own stumbling around, that would make me even happier.
> But, I am still slowly messing with this myself.  I plan to next follow
> Nicolas's suggestion of simply removing the :parent parameter to get
> over the hurdle that the circular object caused me.  I think if the
> overall structure of the parse tree is preserved in the JSON then
> parentage can be restored when it is read back.
> I've also thought a bit about schema issues.  Regardless of how an "org
> schema" might be represented, it would be best if it could be generated
> From org instead of hand crafted.  This would need a kind of a "meta
> export" feature.  I've not yet checked to see if there is some facility
> in org to exploit to do this.  Maybe someone knows?
> In the past I've expressed schema descriptions for JSON data in JSON
> itself.  Internet searches now show this is not a novel approach so I
> think there is some fruit to be found pursuing this direction.  Or, I
> may just be trying too hard to avoid XML....
> > This page suggests at the bottom you could export to texinfo, and
> > convert that to docbook:
> > http://orgmode.org/worg/exporters/ox-overview.html
> >
> > * (1) DocBook export, available in previous Org-mode versions, has not
> >   currently been ported to the new exporter, however the new
> >   ox-texinfo backend can generate DocBook format. Once file.texi is
> >   created via ox-texinfo, simply execute:
> >
> > makeinfo --docbook file.texi
> Thanks.  I did try this but makeinfo failed on the texinfo file that was
> produced.  I didn't pursue it enough to figure out why or if I was doing
> something wrong.
> -Brett.

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