2013ko abenudak 12an, John Kitchin-ek idatzi zuen:
> I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for my solution, it's currently a
> constructive procrastination project to see if it is possible ;)
> I made this:
> https://github.com/jkitchin/jmax/blob/prelude/ox-json.el
> which does give some output that vaguely resembles json for a very simple
> org-file (no quotes, no effort to make compliant json, or pretty print it,
> for example). This handles headlines, italic, bold text, links, paragraphs,
> and plain text.

Emacs has a json library since 2008 (C-h f json-encode), and
pretty-printing in that library since last year, so you (or someone else
who has procrastination time on their hands...) should be able to solve the
quoting and formatting problems that way.

Aaron Ecay

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