It *sort of* works in that I get LaTeX table syntax wrapped with
> \begin/end{threeparttable}, but then I caught that threeparttable is
> actually a wrapper around tabular. Not sure how you can currently use
> Org to specify two layered wrappers like that? Or you might need
> someone to write an equivalent of #+begin/end_center for
> threeparttable?
> #+begin_threeparttable
> table-generating-stuff
> #+end_threeparttable
> Even more complicate is that tabular ends, then a tablenotes
> environment begins/ends, and only *then* does threeparttable end.
This is precisely the problem. At the moment, there does not seem to be a
way of doing it.

I think it is a major limitation and we should try to overcome it. I do not
know lisp, and can't judge, but is it very difficult to overcome?

Wonder what Carsten/Bastien/Nicholas think.


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