
Vikas Rawal <vikasli...@agrarianresearch.org> writes:

> It *sort of* works in that I get LaTeX table syntax wrapped with
>> \begin/end{threeparttable}, but then I caught that threeparttable is
>> actually a wrapper around tabular. Not sure how you can currently use
>> Org to specify two layered wrappers like that? Or you might need
>> someone to write an equivalent of #+begin/end_center for
>> threeparttable?
>> #+begin_threeparttable
>> table-generating-stuff
>> #+end_threeparttable
>> Even more complicate is that tabular ends, then a tablenotes
>> environment begins/ends, and only *then* does threeparttable end.
> This is precisely the problem. At the moment, there does not seem to be a
> way of doing it.

Of doing what? You can always write raw LaTeX in an Org buffer.

  the whole threeparttable stuff

You can also build something with special blocks:

  tabular with Org syntax
  ... probably some raw LaTeX...

Moreover, footnotes can give you almost the same result.

> I think it is a major limitation

Aren't you exaggerating a bit?

> and we should try to overcome it. I do not know lisp, and can't judge,
> but is it very difficult to overcome?

I don't know. AFAICT your problem is not clearly defined. But it seems
that you already have a couple solutions to experiment first.


Nicolas Goaziou

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