Wrt items (1) and (2), I am planning to remove the support for short
captions.  (The caption going as part of table:name or draw:name) as
part of fix for


The fix is not ready yet.  I am just feeling lazy after having not
looked at the code for almost an year now.

NOTE: If someone knows how to accommodate short captions (so that an
that an Index/TOC could be generated from within LibreOffice based on
it, please let me know.)


For the benefit of audience, if you use embedded images in your document
the document produced by the ODT exporter will be openable by
LibreOffice < 4.0 but not with LibreOffice > 4.1.  (In other words,
LibreOffice folks have introduced some backward incompatible changes.)

To ensure that the document produced by the exporter is usable resave
the document from within LibreOffice.  (i.e., make some trivial changes
to the ODT document and do a save again).  This way the XML produced by
the exporter will be re-written by LibreOffice and the problem will be


As a side note, I am discussing with Emacs maintainers whether they
would be comfortable about having me maintain the exporter right from
within Emacs repo.  I am not sure how the discussion will go.


martin.guert...@gmx.de (Martin Gürtler) writes:

> Hi,
> I just converted a 150 page document I used to convert to odt with the old
> exporter. Following problems occurred:
> 1. table with #+CAPTION
>    If the caption contains formatting (~, ==, _, ^), the exporter
>    produces an invalid content.xml.  
>    minimal example:
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> #+OPTIONS:   num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t <:nil
> * First paragraph
> #+CAPTION: A_{1}^{2}
> | head 1    | head2    |
> |-----------+----------|
> | content 1 | content2 |
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> The problem can be seen in the following xml fragment:
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> <table:table table:style-name="OrgTable" 
>  table:name="A&lt;text:span 
>  text:style-name="OrgSubscript"&gt;1&lt;/text:span&gt;&lt;text:span 
>  text:style-name="OrgSuperscript"&gt;2&lt;/text:span&gt;">
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> The table:name attribute ends prematurely at the "OrgSubscript". This
> could probably be mended by using single quotes for these attributes
> inside attributes.
> 2. again #+CAPTION
>    if the caption contains a string with /escaped/ underlines (please
>    note the #+OPTION ^:t)
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> #+OPTIONS:   num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:nil
> * First paragraph
> #+CAPTION: YYYYMMDD\_hhmmss.csv. 
> | head 1    | head2    |
> |-----------+----------|
> | content 1 | content2 |
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
>     The escaped _ is not detected; instead, a literal \ and subscript
>     are detected, and teh document is invalid as above. This escaping
>     seems not to be mentioned in the documentation, probably because it
>     is no longer valid. Might be of interest to people who want to
>     convert old documents.
> 3. the \ref syntax seems not to work anymore; substituting by \ref{text}
>    by [[text]] worked.       
> 4. Empty lines between #+NAME and the respective table are no longer tolerated
> remarks: I like the new smart quotes. More comfortable than putting in
> the utf characters via C-8-RET (which is handy, though, for simple
> formulae).
> Regards
> Martin

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