(Martin Gürtler) writes:

> Hi,
> I just converted a 150 page document I used to convert to odt with the old
> exporter. Following problems occurred:
> 1. table with #+CAPTION
>    If the caption contains formatting (~, ==, _, ^), the exporter
>    produces an invalid content.xml.  
>    minimal example:
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> #+OPTIONS:   num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t <:nil
> * First paragraph
> #+CAPTION: A_{1}^{2}
> | head 1    | head2    |
> |-----------+----------|
> | content 1 | content2 |
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> The problem can be seen in the following xml fragment:
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> <table:table table:style-name="OrgTable" 
>  table:name="A&lt;text:span 
>  text:style-name="OrgSubscript"&gt;1&lt;/text:span&gt;&lt;text:span 
>  text:style-name="OrgSuperscript"&gt;2&lt;/text:span&gt;">
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> The table:name attribute ends prematurely at the "OrgSubscript". This
> could probably be mended by using single quotes for these attributes
> inside attributes.
> 2. again #+CAPTION
>    if the caption contains a string with /escaped/ underlines (please
>    note the #+OPTION ^:t)
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
> #+OPTIONS:   num:t toc:nil \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:nil
> * First paragraph
> #+CAPTION: YYYYMMDD\_hhmmss.csv. 
> | head 1    | head2    |
> |-----------+----------|
> | content 1 | content2 |
> ---8<------------------------------------------------------------
>     The escaped _ is not detected; instead, a literal \ and subscript
>     are detected, and teh document is invalid as above. This escaping
>     seems not to be mentioned in the documentation, probably because it
>     is no longer valid. Might be of interest to people who want to
>     convert old documents.
> 3. the \ref syntax seems not to work anymore; substituting by \ref{text}
>    by [[text]] worked.       
> 4. Empty lines between #+NAME and the respective table are no longer tolerated
> remarks: I like the new smart quotes. More comfortable than putting in
> the utf characters via C-8-RET (which is handy, though, for simple
> formulae).
> Regards
> Martin

Hi Martin,

I think 1-2 are related to an earlier report [fn:1].  As it seems this
is on the todo-list of the right person.




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