Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> 2. MathToWeb
>    Pro: Uses MathML
>    Con: MathToWeb is new kid on the block.  May prove to be problematic
>    with more complex formulae.
>    If ltx->mathml conversion is problematic for some equations, you can
>    create "ODF files" (OpenDocumentFormula files created with
>    LibreOffice Math) by hand and insert an Org link to them.

Yes, this works very well for me. There is an issue with export of
$\geq$ that the author is looking into. 

>>   4. Figure and table references are by section, sort of like old
>> fashioned latex.

For me, I am not writing a book or anything very long, just
manuscripts. Thus, I would prefer just to label each figure in order and
each table in order. I would therefore get Figure 1, Figure 2, etc and
Table 1, Table 2, etc in the order of appearance in the text. There is
no reference to section that way. 

Maybe this is something that can be set in my odt reference file for
exporting? I have not yet investigated that.

Thanks, Aric

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