Hi Nick,

Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> writes:

> I find myself more in agreement with Seb than with Bastien here. The
> argument that reducing the number of "bad" bindings reduces the chance
> of conflicts does not hold water IMO: we will always have to be looking
> in the rear-view mirror for some minor mode that will step on us.

In the last ten years, we had only *one* such problem while having a
dozen of faulty keybindings --- my hope is that, with only a fistful
of faulty keybindings, we won't have to look in the rear-view mirror
for the next twenty years :)  [IOW: I don't buy the all-or-nothing

More precisely, I suggest these rebindings:

C-c # Checkboxes     => C-c C-#
C-c , Priorities     => C-c C-,
C-c ; Comment lines  => C-c C-;
C-c @ Mark subtree   => C-c C-@

(Note they are also accessible through speedy keys.)

C-c ~ Cooperation    => C-c C-~

(This one I just discovered.)

Let's not get trapped in a "buridanesque" decision.  :)


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