On 29.01.2014 14:16, Nick Dokos wrote:

But it's not just a matter of satisfying rules: it's a matter of making
it easy on users.

That is why I don't recommend satisfying them here.

Having a "bad" binding as well as a "good" binding for
something would mean that if I load a minor mode that takes over the
"bad" binding, I would then lose it in the major mode and have to
remember the "good" binding. That's more confusing IMO than having a
single "good" binding: if we need to retrain fingers, we need to retrain
them once, not every time we load a minor mode that steps on some

On the other hand, it doesn't happen "every time." The bindings had been working for years before one user reported a problem with some of them. The conflict is rare and doesn't require resolution. But it is polite to provide alternatives for bindings that might be shadowed.

Florian Beck

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