
Thanks for advising.

On Org 7.8.11, placement=[l] and placement={l} parameter does not make
sense for tables as I tried.

I tried to install the current version. (There was a compile error
arising from the fact that BSD make is not GNU make, but it's no matter.)
A simple example for :center nil works well. For main org file I have to
do more work... not about centering.

However there seems not to be a parameter for flush right. At present
this is not a serious problem because :center nil works well, so we can
control directory with #+LATEX: \begin ... and \end . But it's tiresome.

I also feel something about the difference between the way to designate
centering and flush left/right. For HTML export we use :align parameter;
for LaTeX, :center parameter, which only allows us to control centering
or not. :align parameter is used for alignment of contents of table.
I'm confused. I guess there's a problem about backward compatibility or

As you wrote there's a way to change default behaviour, but I feel
centering is confortable in the most typesetting *with Org*.
I think such searching result is due to the default behaviour of LaTeX.
File local option switching the behaviour would be useful, I think.

Best regards,
Ken Okada

At Wed, 29 Jan 2014 18:22:38 -0600,
John Hendy wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Bastien <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Ken,
> >
> > Ken Okada <> writes:
> >
> > > I have a question. By default tables are centered in LaTeX export.
> > > Sometimes I prefere to make it flush left or right. I thought this was
> > > done with, for example,
> > >
> > > #+ATTR_LATEX: :center nil
> > > | a | b |
> > > | 1 | 2 |
> >
> > The use of the :center parameter suggests you consulted a recent
> > version of the documentation, for Org >=8.0.
> >
> > This is how it works for Org 8.0 and above:
> >
> > #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment longtable :align l|lp{3cm}r|l
> > | a | b | c |
> > | 1 | 2 | 3 |
> >
> > If you can, please upgrade.  Otherwise, someone needs to check the
> > documentation for Org 7.8.11...
> Bastien beat me to it. Yes, the example syntax is for Org > 8.0.
> Here's a version of the manual for v7.9:
> - 
> I'm not sure what the proper argument is and can't test since I'm on
> the current version of Org from git. You might take a look at the
> placement= argument?
> I'm having a tough time finding info on LaTeX with what makes a table
> left or right aligned (not the columns, but the table itself). Most of
> the hits are on how to *center* the table, which seems to suggest they
> will be left aligned by default.
> Sorry not to be of better help -- I think Bastien's suggestion to
> upgrade to 8.0 is the right move. A lot of the mailing list has likely
> made the move and thus it's hard to troubleshoot versions with the old
> exporter syntax.
> Best regards,
> John
> >
> > HTH,
> >
> > --
> >  Bastien
> >

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