On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 1:17 AM, Ken Okada <keno.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> John,
> Thanks for advising.
> On Org 7.8.11, placement=[l] and placement={l} parameter does not make
> sense for tables as I tried.
> I tried to install the current version. (There was a compile error
> arising from the fact that BSD make is not GNU make, but it's no matter.)
> A simple example for :center nil works well. For main org file I have to
> do more work... not about centering.

If you're still running into the make issue, this is how I manage
Org-git on Windows since I don't want to futz with cygwin or other
- http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.html#compiling-org-without-make

> However there seems not to be a parameter for flush right. At present
> this is not a serious problem because :center nil works well, so we can
> control directory with #+LATEX: \begin ... and \end . But it's tiresome.

I was hunting around for the LaTeX parameter directly to specify the
table alignment and honestly wasn't finding anything specifically
related to tabular. My best hunting suggests that you need to put the
table inside of some sort of float environment and then specify the
placement that way, but I'm not sure if this plays nicely with any of
Org's built in table environments or not.

For example, I see there's a way to specify right alignment when
trying to wrap text around a figure:

I was able to do this successfully with tabular instead of the example
they showed, but if you have no text to wrap, the table will just be

a & b & c \\
word & word & word \\
word & word & word \\

I also don't know how to next multiple environments with Org's
#+attr_latex options. I was able to place it inside wrap figure like

#+attr_latex: :environment wrapfigure
| a    | b    | c    |
| word | word | word |
| word | word | word |

But one still needs a \begin/end{tabular} wrapped around the table. I
tried the obvious =:environment wrapfigure tabular=, but this creates
the literal set of words inside \begin{} vs. separate environments.

That's the best I can do for now...

Good luck!

> I also feel something about the difference between the way to designate
> centering and flush left/right. For HTML export we use :align parameter;
> for LaTeX, :center parameter, which only allows us to control centering
> or not. :align parameter is used for alignment of contents of table.
> I'm confused. I guess there's a problem about backward compatibility or
> something.
> As you wrote there's a way to change default behaviour, but I feel
> centering is confortable in the most typesetting *with Org*.
> I think such searching result is due to the default behaviour of LaTeX.
> File local option switching the behaviour would be useful, I think.
> Best regards,
> Ken Okada
> At Wed, 29 Jan 2014 18:22:38 -0600,
> John Hendy wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 6:15 PM, Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi Ken,
>> >
>> > Ken Okada <keno.s...@gmail.com> writes:
>> >
>> > > I have a question. By default tables are centered in LaTeX export.
>> > > Sometimes I prefere to make it flush left or right. I thought this was
>> > > done with, for example,
>> > >
>> > > #+ATTR_LATEX: :center nil
>> > > | a | b |
>> > > | 1 | 2 |
>> >
>> > The use of the :center parameter suggests you consulted a recent
>> > version of the documentation, for Org >=8.0.
>> >
>> > This is how it works for Org 8.0 and above:
>> >
>> > #+ATTR_LATEX: :environment longtable :align l|lp{3cm}r|l
>> > | a | b | c |
>> > | 1 | 2 | 3 |
>> >
>> > If you can, please upgrade.  Otherwise, someone needs to check the
>> > documentation for Org 7.8.11...
>> Bastien beat me to it. Yes, the example syntax is for Org > 8.0.
>> Here's a version of the manual for v7.9:
>> - 
>> http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/org.html#Tables-in-LaTeX-export
>> I'm not sure what the proper argument is and can't test since I'm on
>> the current version of Org from git. You might take a look at the
>> placement= argument?
>> I'm having a tough time finding info on LaTeX with what makes a table
>> left or right aligned (not the columns, but the table itself). Most of
>> the hits are on how to *center* the table, which seems to suggest they
>> will be left aligned by default.
>> Sorry not to be of better help -- I think Bastien's suggestion to
>> upgrade to 8.0 is the right move. A lot of the mailing list has likely
>> made the move and thus it's hard to troubleshoot versions with the old
>> exporter syntax.
>> Best regards,
>> John
>> >
>> > HTH,
>> >
>> > --
>> >  Bastien
>> >

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