That might do the trick. The added text appears as expected in a file saved
as text only. The only downside right now seems to be that I have to do the
outline numbering for each file in the manuscript. But there are only 9 of

I hope that I can soon ask an editor with the publishing company whether
this is acceptable. But for now, it seems to work. So thank you!


On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 11:04 AM, Christian Moe <>wrote:

> Hi,
> Here's one way to do it in LibreOffice:
> Go to Tools > Outline Numbering
> For each heading level,
> under "Separator" > "After",
> add the markup they want ("<A>" for first level, etc.).
> This should work for your printed manuscript. However, you'd need to
> test if it's still there when you've converted to MS Word (don't have it
> at hand).
> Yours,
> Christian
> Dan Griswold writes:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have to do something particular in org-mode, and I'm stumped.
> >
> > The manuscript I will need to submit to my publisher is to be very sparse
> > on formatting in MS-Word. So for headings I need to mark them <A> for
> first
> > level headings, <B> for second level, <C> for third level.
> >
> > So, with an org file that looks somewhat like this:
> >
> > * Here's a top Heading
> >
> > ** Here's a subheading
> >
> > * Here's another top Heading
> >
> > I would get in an ODT export:
> >
> > <A> Here's a top Heading
> >
> > <B> Here's a subheading
> >
> > <A> Here's another top Heading
> >
> >
> >
> > Do any of you have suggestions for how I could accomplish this, short of
> > manually supplying that text for every single heading (67) in the several
> > org files that comprise the manuscript?
> >
> > Perhaps there's a way to do this using LO styles. But I can't figure that
> > out, either.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dan Griswold
> > Rochester, NY

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