Dan Griswold <kc5...@gmail.com> writes:

> The only downside right now seems to be that I have to do the outline
> numbering for each file in the manuscript. But there are only 9 of
> them.

You just need to create a opendocument template file and have all the
org file use it.


   (info "(org) Applying custom styles")

1. Export ONE document.
2. Fix outline numbering
3. Save the file as say custom-style.ott (Note: It is OTT and not ODT)
4. Add a directive to ALL THE OTHER org file as below.

       M-x org-export-insert-default-template odt

   and modify the ODT_STYLES_FILE directive as below.

      #+ODT_STYLES_FILE: "~/a/b/custom-style.ott"

5. Now if I export the org files with (4), you will get the outline
   numbering that you desire.

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