Hi Bastien,

I want to extract Information with ColumnView from a org-tree, that
works like group-by in a select statement.

so if I have a tree like that:

* Tea Database
   :COLUMNS:  %Shop(Shop) %rating(Rating){mean}

** Tea Shop 1
   :Shop:     Tea Shop 1
*** Order 1
**** Tee 1
    :blend:    Pussimbing
    :rating: 1
*** Order 2
**** Tea 1
    :blend:    Pussimbing
    :rating: 5
**** Tea 2
    :blend:    Steinthal
    :rating: 7

** Tea Shop 2
   :Shop:     Tea Shop 2
*** Tea 1
    :blend:    Pussimbing
    :rating: 6
*** Tea 2
    :blend:    Steinthal
    :rating: 8

that works so far, I can see a list of shops and there mean ratings.

I want now as another "table" a second columns line what I would
comment out with the current :COLUMNS: line  that would look like that:

   :COLUMNS:  %blend(Blend){groupby blend} %rating(Rating){mean}

I get with the 1. COLUMNS line something like that:

Tea Shop 1     |  5.0   | ...
Tea Shop 2     |  7.0   | ...

I want another output that looks like that:

Blend 1        |  6.0   | ...
Blend 2        |  3.0   | ...

btw blend is the wrong word, in this case it would be the origin tea
garden, but thats only a context detail ;)

The idea is that I give in data and a score for the tea, and I can look
than which tea blends I liked most and which shop gave me best quality.

hope its clear now ;)

Bastien <b...@gnu.org> writes:

> Hi Stefan,
> (Hint: use `S W' from Gnus to reply to this email.)
> Stefan Huchler <stefan.huch...@mail.de> writes:
>> If Bastien could look over it, it would be nice.
> The thread is a bit difficult to read -- can you make a summary
> of what is the bug report or the feature request?
> Thanks!

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