On Thu, 27 Feb 2014 20:23:26 -0500, Peter Salazar <cycleofs...@gmail.com> wrote:

I keep meeting people who say they started getting more things done more
efficiently once they started printing out their tasks lists, so they can
have the experience of seeing the list on paper and, more importantly, the
satisfaction of crossing an item off on the page.

Does anyone have a workflow they're happy with that involves printing out
their org-mode todo lists?

Exactly. My to-do items are mostly physical activities related to taking care of farm animals, rather than things I'm doing on my computer. It makes little sense to try to follow a list on a laptop or smartphone when walking back and forth in mud, or when picking up items at the farm-supply store. I update my to-do items occasionally in emacs, but as much as I've loved using emacs for nearly 40 years, it's not my constant companion outdoors in the weather, or when handling horses or shearing sheep. A printed piece of paper in my pocket is much easier to use, and little harm is done if it falls into the stock tank or gets trampled by livestock.

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