On Fri, 28 Feb 2014 05:44:52 -0500, Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@gmail.com> wrote:

Its just a matter of time and the machine you use for shearing sheeps
will be a kind of smart-phone too that peeps if you need more than the
SCHEDULED time for one sheep, or the time for

| "[#A] TODO Melk the Cows :farm:"

has arrived ...

We do not have cows, but I know what's involved. Dairy cows are on a strict schedule, milked twice daily. They are automatically the top priority at four in the morning and at four in the afternoon. Writing it down on paper or in emacs is superfluous. Nothing (except the barn being on fire) is more important.

"Why isn't Farbror Hans here at Grandfather's funeral?"

-- "He had to milk the cows."

"Oh. Of course. I forgot. Yes, that's more important."

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