Hi, a "user" signing in. Although not involved in the development of this
piece of software I'm taking the opportunity to chime in anyway.

I'd like to give Nicolas Goaziou my support in this issue. It makes it much
simpler to understand, use, develop and maintain the software if it is
congruent. A well defined syntax, and tools that respect the rules of how
to parse it, will IMO be of big importance moving forward.

About the issue of two links on the same line.. From my perspective (for
what it's worth); Trying to open a link when not being inside a link with
the mark should give the same behaviour as trying to open a link when on a
headline. It is not certain which link is intended to be opened, so why not
give the user the options available instead of guessing? Set the scope to
parse to the current paragraph, to make a difference from calling C-c C-o
from the headline. That, to me, is the intuitive behaviour.

About the issue of links in comments (My opinion, for what it's worth):
It's a comment.. Expect it to behave as one. Worst case: copy the link and
paste it in the browser.

About the issue of links in properties: Wouldn't it be nice to allow this?
Maybe a future functionality to consider?

Best regards

Gustav Wikström

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