Some more tips:

* I have some code to monitor the mobile org file that changes and automagically update the desktop based Org. This means if you forget to push and the mobile Org is stale, you can also remotely force a push by adding a dummy item and syncing 2x.

* You can add "#+FILETAGS: REFILE" to the top of the file where mobile items get synced, and then in a custom agenda make sure those all appear in a section so you remember to file them once they are on the desktop Org. (C-w).

Hope this helps,


On Mon, 3 Mar 2014, Sean Escriva wrote:

Hi David,

Yes, the maintainers are watching this list :) I'm one of them.

It looks like John gave a nice thorough answer for most things, so I
won't repeat his responses.

David Masterson <> writes:
Anyone using MobileOrg on iOS?  I can't figure out how to set it up from
the documentation -- I think I'm missing something.  I have a number of

1. What needs to be setup for the first time push from Emacs to the
Dropbox Apps/MobileOrg directory?

You will need to define org-mobile-directory, using Dropbox the correct
default setting is: "~/Dropbox/Apps/MobileOrg"

For example, I have

(setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/Apps/MobileOrg")

in my config.

Then you can org-mobile-push to stage your files in this location.

You should not manually create any folders in Dropbox.

2. What should the results of the first time push be that I should check
to ensure that it worked?

Your org-agenda-files will be staged and an file and
checksums.dat will be created.

3. What is MobileOrg looking for in the Dropbox directory?

MobileOrg needs to be authorized as a dropbox app, this step will create
the correct path.

4. What do I need to configure in MobileOrg?

5. What will MobileOrg put back in the Dropbox directory?

6. What do I need to do to get Emacs to pull from the Dropbox directory?

org-mobile-pull will pull in changes.

And so on.  Are the maintainers of MobileOrg watching this mailing list?

A while back I outlined basic troubleshooting steps that should help:

Feel free to contact me directly with questions or hop in #mobileorg on
freenode irc if that's better for you.

I started work on an improved documentation site, but it needs an
overhaul to be easier for others to contribute.

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