Aloha all,

I've been dusting off a draft paper written when the new export
framework was still in contrib. Now that I've brought the file
up-to-date so that it exports asynchronously again, I'm getting an error
that wasn't there before.

This Org mode input:

  - B.01397 :: This is an unusual tool with a nearly constant thickness
               along most of its length (fig. [[fig:axes]], /a/). Most of
               the edge is missing, but one corner is intact. Too little
               remains of the edge to describe its shape, but the obtuse
               angle of the surviving corner suggests the edge was
               convex in plan view. The opposite end at the poll is also
               incomplete, so a complete longitudinal section is absent.
               The tool is made from a dark grey volcanic rock that has
               a pitted texture and feels light for its size. It is
               call_axe-length(a="B.01397") cm long,
               call_axe-x-section(a="B.01397") cm at mid-section, and
               weighs call_axe-wt(a="B.01397") g. The cutting edge
               measures call_axe-edge(a="B.01397") cm.

yields this LaTeX export:

  \item[{B.01397}] This is an unusual tool with a nearly constant thickness
  along most of its length (fig.~\ref{fig:axes}, \emph{a}). Most of
  the edge is missing, but one corner is intact. Too little
  remains of the edge to describe its shape, but the obtuse
  angle of the surviving corner suggests the edge was
  convex in plan view. The opposite end at the poll is also
  incomplete, so a complete longitudinal section is absent.
  The tool is made from a dark grey volcanic rock that has
  a pitted texture and feels light for its size. It is
  ~cm long,
  ~cm at mid-section, and
               weighs 223
  ~g. The cutting edge
               measures 5.1

Note the new line after each call result and the premature termination
of the {description} environment.

I'm using the latest Org mode from master.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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