Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> This actually is also an issue with shell code blocks.  The fix is to
> customize the org-babel-inline-result-wrap variable (e.g., as follows)
> instead of setting the result type to RAW.
>   (setq org-babel-inline-result-wrap "%s")
> Perhaps a note about this variable should be added to the description of
> inline code blocks (both call and src_*) in the manual.

AFAICT, this variable has no effect on export of calls to R source code
blocks, where the source code block is set with :results raw.

Also, AFAICT, the behavior of R source code blocks differs from others,
including shell.

With the default value of org-babel-inline-result-wrap I get this LaTeX

  \section{Export this subtree raw to \LaTeX{}}
  Will shell-2 export 2 with a newline?

  Will r-2 export 2 with a newline?

  Will shell-2-raw export 2 with a newline?

  Will r-2-raw export 2
   with a newline?
  \section{Export this subtree without raw to \LaTeX{}}

  Will shell-2 export \texttt{2} with a newline?

  Will r-2 export \texttt{2} with a newline?

  Will shell-2-raw export \texttt{2} with a newline?

  Will r-2-raw export 2
  with a newline?
  % Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.5h)

With org-babel-inline-result-wrap set to "%s" I get this:

  \section{Export this subtree raw to \LaTeX{}}
  Will shell-2 export 2 with a newline?

  Will r-2 export 2 with a newline?

  Will shell-2-raw export 2 with a newline?

  Will r-2-raw export 2
   with a newline?
  \section{Export this subtree without raw to \LaTeX{}}

  Will shell-2 export 2 with a newline?

  Will r-2 export 2 with a newline?

  Will shell-2-raw export 2 with a newline?

  Will r-2-raw export 2
  with a newline?
  % Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.5h)

Note that there is no change in the LaTeX export of the R calls.

I think this is a bug in ob-R.el.  From my experiments, it behaves
differently than the other babel languages, including shell.

For LaTeX export, the workaround is to avoid :results raw with R source
code blocks. Although a spurious newline is inserted into the source,
this is ignored by LaTeX.

All the best,

Thomas S. Dye

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