now that everybody is happy, agreeing, and singing in a circle holding
hands, i thought i'd stir the pot.  :]  i hope i don't get wicked
glares.  :]

there are a few unresolved questions.  there is also something that,
for my workflow at least, is a bug.

i set org-export-with-tasks to nil, because i want to export only
blank headers.  this is a GREAT feature.

tldr: call lines are executed when they should not be.


i never use export tags.  i only use comment for occasional,
temporary, truly commented out things.  i cannot use it for more
purposes because it changes sorting and highlighting of todo keywords.
 that makes it not worth using for any other purpose.

so i do:

***** a
******* REF b
******* NEXT e
******* d
******* MAYBE c

which exports a and d, but not b e c.  this is perfect.  it is exactly
what i want.  i get a sense of "this is software working the way it
should" every time i export.  i REALLY like how i can intersperse
notes with exported stuff.  no tags or comments or anything fancy,
just todo keywords.

except for one thing.

underneath b i like to put babel blocks that are relevant to a.  and
above the babel blocks, i might have some call lines.  these lines are
for testing.  i do c-c c-c on them manually, to test the block.

i also export b while testing, to get all of them at once.  but most
of the time i only export a.

this is all well and good -- again, perfect -- but in maint at least,
babel actually executes those call lines upon export of a.

i don't want them exported, because they are only there for testing.
i don't want to comment out the header, because that changes font
lock, turns off the block [which i use], and changes sorting.

to me it's a bug that those call lines are executed.

i'll join the circle if you guys will agree with me on this.  :]


The Kafka Pandemic:

The disease DOES progress.  MANY people have died from it.  And
ANYBODY can get it.

Denmark: free Karina Hansen NOW.

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