I've looked at the solution on worg and, though I didn't actually try to
implement, it seems like tangling your init file every time you open
Emacs is a little cumbersome. Please correct me if I'm wrong in this
assumption. I also have a sync script hooked into my tangling that has
to do with exporting some of my config sections to my gopher site so
they're always up to date, so maybe it's just that my tangling
experience is especially involved. 

Here's what I do. Since I probably only edit my config ~10% of the times
that I open Emacs, it seems easier to just have a statically-tangled
init file, so I just basically use C-c C-v C-t instead of C-x C-s to
save my init.org. I also use somewhat customized init files on a few
different hosts which share the same .emacs.d. They share come common
functionality and differ slightly, so there are a few init files tangled
into ~/.emacs.d of the form hostname.el and the init.el file is
basically a switch which chooses which one to load on startup.

Short reference:

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