Good thing to consider. On my slow machine it takes 6 minutes to tangle my
init and on my faster machine 1.5 minutes so I follow the static approach.

Grant Rettke | AAAS, ACM, FSF, IEEE, Sigma Xi |
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” --Socrates
((λ (x) (x x)) (λ (x) (x x)))
“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop
taking it seriously.” --Thompson

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 7:24 PM, Pete Ley <> wrote:

> I've looked at the solution on worg and, though I didn't actually try to
> implement, it seems like tangling your init file every time you open
> Emacs is a little cumbersome. Please correct me if I'm wrong in this
> assumption. I also have a sync script hooked into my tangling that has
> to do with exporting some of my config sections to my gopher site so
> they're always up to date, so maybe it's just that my tangling
> experience is especially involved.
> Here's what I do. Since I probably only edit my config ~10% of the times
> that I open Emacs, it seems easier to just have a statically-tangled
> init file, so I just basically use C-c C-v C-t instead of C-x C-s to
> save my I also use somewhat customized init files on a few
> different hosts which share the same .emacs.d. They share come common
> functionality and differ slightly, so there are a few init files tangled
> into ~/.emacs.d of the form hostname.el and the init.el file is
> basically a switch which chooses which one to load on startup.
> Short reference:

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