Hi Bastien,

Thanks for your feedback.

2014ko apirilak 22an, Bastien-ek idatzi zuen:


>> #+name: one
>> #+begin_src R :results file graphics :file png
>> ...
>> #+end_src
> What happens when there is :file png with no #+name line?

This case will be treated as before the patch: output will go to the
“png” file.  (The :output-dir property, if present, will apply.)

> Does :output-dir accept absolute or relative paths?  I'm asking
> because you speak of "subdirectory", but both should be accepted

I agree.  I think the current patch does this as long as :output-dir is
an absolute pathname, but I have not tested that case.  I will

> Maybe there are cases where the :file value does not take an extension
> but the user still want to write the output to this file?  How would
> your patch handle this?

At present, it doesn’t.

> Looks useful to me, but ":file png" looks wrong, with too much
> implicit.  We should find something less confusing.

One option would be to use :file-ext instead, to generate a :file
parameter.  I didn’t go this route because autogenerating :file from
other parameters seemed like too much magic.  But your points in the
other direction are good.

How does this sound as an algorithm:
1. if :file is present, behave exactly as we do now
2. if :file is absent but :file-ext and a #+name is present, generate a
   :file parameter from :output-dir, the #+name, and :file-ext.

Open questions:
1. should :file-ext without a #+name be a no-op, or an error?
2. should :output-dir apply to the :file case as well?

Aaron Ecay

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