Alexander Baier <> writes:

> For what it's worth, I would love to help out in any way I can.  I use
> org-contacts myself and know elisp well enough to also do some
> implementing.  But I wouldn't mind writing some documentation, either.

Thank you! At this point i'm studying RFC 6350 (vCard 4) and the
org-contacts.el source, trying to work out how to bring more of the
former to the latter with a minimal amount of work and fuss. :-)

> I, however, don't know much about Android programming or the syncing
> aspect of this task.

*nod* i'm not sure how much work is involved in the syncing aspect, and
so my first priority is to at least be able to export individual
contacts from MobileOrg to an individual vCard file that can be imported
into the Android Contacts system, and vice versa. There might already be
a FOSS CardDAV library for Android out there that could be used for
syncing, but i've not researched that yet.


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