psycho_punch <> writes:

> So I need to explicitly call (package-initialize) in init.el,
> probably one of the, if not the, first line?

If I recall correctly, the recommended thing is to put all of your
package-specific customizations either in the customize interface (in
which case they'll get applied correctly) or behind either a mode hook,
or an eval-after-load. Also see package-enable-at-startup, in the info
node (emacs) Package Installation


> On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Alexis <> wrote:
>     psycho_punch writes:
>     > I've defined my initialization script in ~/.emacs.d/init.el;
>     I'm not sure
>     > if it matters. So since 'ox-publish doesn't get loaded until
>     after
>     > initialization, I defined:
>     >
>     > (add-hook 'after-init-hook (lambda() (load-file
>     > "/path/to/org-publish-project.el")))
>     >
>     > I'm wondering when do the packages installed via
>     package-install get
>     > loaded...
>     They get loaded when (package-initialize) is called in one's
>     initialisation file(s).
>     Alexis.

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