Le    ven.    11   juil.    2014    à    02:39:42   ,    Grant    Rettke
<g...@wisdomandwonder.com> a envoyé ce message:
> Hi Joseph,
> What directions did you follow for working with gmail?
> Kind regards,
> gcr

Hi Grant,

Gnus   +   gmail  is   pretty   well   documented.   Have  a   look   on
http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GnusGmail   .  My   setup  is   not  very
different, but I can send to you my .gnus.el if you want it. 

I  must say  that I  am  already convinced  that using  gnus alone  with
org-mode (i.e. with links) is  certainly more efficient, but it requires
more time to learn it. It is an holiday project. :)

Best wishes,


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