Hello Thorsten,

On 2014-07-10 15:27, Thorsten Jolitz <tjol...@gmail.com> writes:

> Looks like the hooks are not set. Here (again) my configuration from
> init.el: 
> ,----
> | (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'outline-minor-mode)
> | (add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'outline-minor-mode)
> | ;; more hooks for other major-modes ...
> |
> | ;; outorg                         ; <= required indirectly
> | ;; (require 'outorg)
> | 
> | ;; outshine
> | (require 'outshine)
> | (add-hook 'outline-minor-mode-hook
> |           'outshine-hook-function) ; <= important!
> | 
> | (setq outshine-use-speed-commands t)
> | 
> | ;; navi-mode                       ; <= optional
> | (require 'navi-mode)
> | 
> | ;; poporg                          ; <= optional
> | (require 'poporg)
> `----

Adding these lines worked. I think I was missing both the outline mode
and the outshine hook.

>> - does outorg require outshine to work? If so, it may be good to mark
>> the latter as a dependency of the former.
> Yes. 
> With "mark the latter as a dependency of the former" you mean in the
> MELPA package description?

Yes, or adding an explicit dependency in MELPA such that if one
installs outorg, then outshine is automatically installed.

>> - there is no installation instructions on the package description on
>> MELPA. Where can I find the "installation description" referred to
>> above?
> ,----
> | https://github.com/tj64/outshine
> | https://github.com/tj64/outorg
> | https://github.com/tj64/navi
> `----
> or  
> ,----
> | http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-outside-org.html
> `----

Adding these to the MELPA description would be quite useful.

Thanks again,


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