Alexander Baier <> writes:

> On 2014-07-11 13:26 Martin Beck wrote:
>> I have a search result (created by a search agenda C-C a s) and I
>> want to narrow it down further with additional criteria.
>> I tried to use the "=" key for "Narrow to entries matching regexp",
>> but I did not find out how to combine several terms in here.
>> As long as I only enter one word, it works. But if I want to filter
>> for criteria like
>> Word1 OR Word2
>> or (Word1 OR Word2) AND Word3
>> or (Word1 OR Word2) AND NOT (Word3 OR Word4)
>> I get no results just by entering
>> e.g. Word1|Word2
>> or Word1&Word2
>> I'm sure this is trivial, but I'm not an expert in regular
>> expressions and currently don't see how to solve that.
>> :-(
> Using \(Word1\)\|\(Word2\) works for me. If you find it troublesome to
> type a lot of these escaped parens, you might want to try
> smartparens-mode for auto insertion of the closing _escaped_ paren.
> As an example, if you type "\(", smartparens will automatically insert
> "\)" after point. You can even navigate over these groups via sexps
> commands.

I always wondered how this C-c a s search should work. I can only enter
one word, just like the OP.

None of these (valid) regexps works here:

| (foo|bar)
| \(foo\|bar\)
| \\(foo|bar\\)

This does not work either

| \(foo\)\|\(bar\)

nor does 

| \(\(foo\)\|\(bar\)\)

or simply

| foo|bar


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