Alexander Baier <> writes:

> On 2014-07-12 10:18 Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
>> Alexander Baier <> writes:
>>> Using \(Word1\)\|\(Word2\) works for me. If you find it troublesome to
>>> type a lot of these escaped parens, you might want to try
>>> smartparens-mode for auto insertion of the closing _escaped_ paren.
>> I always wondered how this C-c a s search should work. I can only enter
>> one word, just like the OP.
> I forgot to mention that I did not use C-c a s, but created an agenda
> and pressed = to start a regexp-match.

Yes, then the usual regexp syntax works:

| \(foo\|bar\)

but what about filtering in the agenda (in search view), using {} []?
Either this is broken and does nothing or I do not really understand what 


tries to tell me ...


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