El Sat, 11 Oct 2014 12:45:45 -0700 Brady Trainor va escriure:
> >   About links: in org-mode they all look the same, but semantically there 
> > are many types, like:
> > […]
> > - *same-as*: „this and [[that]] are exactly the same topic, so write
> > only under that header, not here“ 
> > […]
> I don't think I am aware of the "*sameas*" type of link in org-mode, can
> you give an example please? 

There's only 1 type of link between headers in org-mode; what's different is 
the way in which you use it.

* About web pages
** CSS
*** Convert to other formats
**** convert to JSON
Use html2json
**** convert to PDF → see [[html_to_pdf]]
* About PDFs
** create them
*** from .odt
Click that icon.
*** from .html. id:html_to_pdf
There's this method…
*** from .tex

In this case, that „HTML→PDF“ section could live under the „web pages“ tree or 
under the „PDFs“ tree, and there's no difference because it's exactly the same 
If you consider „link following“ as a trivial operation, you could say that 
that knowledge is accessible under both trees at the same time. It's not 
transclusion, but it works the same.

Note that in the example above, the „→ see …“ header must be empty of content. 
If you write inside, it's not a light link anymore, it's a header on its own.

Org-mode could offer this type of header built-in (a light header is a header 
which must link to another one and have no content), but you can do it with the 
current tools and a bit of care.

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