Marcin Borkowski <> writes:

> On 2015-01-01, at 17:22, Karl Voit <> wrote:
>> * Marcin Borkowski <> wrote:
>>> On 2014-12-31, at 14:49, Ista Zahn <> wrote:
>>>> Yes, google is very convenient.
>>> That's why they're so dangerous.
>> In case you're survey data contains privacy-related sensible data,
>> you can not use Google anyhow - I do think that there's no need to
>> mention this explicitly in this community.
> Yes, but not only this.  You get accustomed to a nice service, like
> Google Reader, and then boom! and it disappears.  How could one rely on
> Gmail now?

Well - you can't rely on anyone else beyond that which they're
contractually (or statutorily) obliged to provide (and even then they
might go out of business). But you can pull all your email out of gmail
via pop or imap, so it's not like you'll lose your emails. At worst
you'd lose your email address (although if you register a domain name
then you can keep your email address and still use gmail for as long as
it's there and some other provider later).

On the privacy point, you can send encrypted data via non-secure email

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