* Paul Rudin <p...@rudin.co.uk> wrote:
> Karl Voit <devn...@karl-voit.at> writes:
>> * Paul Rudin <p...@rudin.co.uk> wrote:
>>> Sure, but that kind of thing could happen with pretty much any third
>>> party service.
>> Yes. That's the point, when you do not consider open source services
>> as third party services.
> Aren't you mixing up two different things here? Suppose google were to
> open source all the code behind gmail. That wouldn't really change the
> situation for users if the service suddenly disappeared.

Oh, I disagree. I think that this would change a *lot*. Consider the
possibility that I can select who is hosting the service and my
data. As a side-effect: my data is not locked in at all. I can
backup/migrate whenever/wherever I want.

Believe it or not: the mail system is meant to be like that with
good reason :-)

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       > get Memacs from https://github.com/novoid/Memacs <

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