Thanks! I had been thinking about how to do that for a while, and seeing
Samuel's idea crytallized it for me. Thanks Samuel, and Tom for
remembering it from long ago.

yes that should also be possible. once you open the rabbit hole of
embedded lisp, many things are possible ;) even beyond citations.

One note might be related to security that is worth thinking about. org
is conservative in the beginning in making you choose to turn off the
questions asking do you want to run this for babel, shell and elisp. In
your example, you are opening a hole I think. Suppose this is buried
deep in the document ;)

[[slink:kitchin-2010 (:pre "See for example" :post "page 47" :type cite
:follow (lambda (x) (message-box "I could be a shell command. please
please please click me or export me!")))]]

I tried it, and indeed it runs that function.

... Anyway, that is totally possible by many other means right now with
links, so it is not totally new, but it is probably worth thinking about
a little since code execution like this could make it out to the export.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing where it goes!

Thomas S. Dye writes:

> Hi John,
> Wow.  It's inspiring to see Samuel's idea in action.
> Presumably, something like this would also be possible?
> ;;  follow function
> (lambda (path)
>   (let* ((data (read (concat "(" path ")")))
>          (head (car data))
>          (plist (cadr data)))
>     (funcall (plist-get plist :follow) head)))
> [[slink:kitchin-2010 (:pre "See for example" :post "page 47" :type
> cite :follow #'ebib-open-org-link)]]
> All the best,
> Tom
> John Kitchin <> writes:
>>> I'm glad you like Samuel's idea about extensible syntax for links.  I
>>> don't know if it is practical or not, but it was one of those ideas that
>>> seemed right on when I first read it.
>> I am glad you mentioned, it was an inspiration! Although this is sure to
>> move away from a standard new syntax, it is straightforward to subvert a
>> link like the following example to get more readable pre/post text
>> example. The quotes are necessary to get the list read
>> correctly. Whether this is useful remains to be seen, but it was fun to
>> work it out.
>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results silent
>> (org-add-link-type
>>  "slink"
>>  ;;  follow function
>>  (lambda (path)
>>    (let* ((data (read (concat "(" path ")")))
>>           (head (car data))
>>           (plist (cadr data)))
>>      (message-box "%s\n%s\n%s" head plist  (plist-get plist :type))))
>>  ;; format function
>>  (lambda (path description backend)
>>    (let* ((data (read (concat "(" path ")")))
>>           (head (car data))
>>           (plist (cadr data)))
>>      (format "\\%s[%s][%s]{%s}"
>>              (plist-get plist :type)
>>              (plist-get plist :pre)
>>              (plist-get plist :post)
>>              head))))
>> #+END_SRC
>> Exports to:
>> \cite[See for example][page 47]{kitchin-2010}
>>> All the best,
>>> Tom
>> --
>> Professor John Kitchin
>> Doherty Hall A207F
>> Department of Chemical Engineering
>> Carnegie Mellon University
>> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
>> 412-268-7803
>> @johnkitchin

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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