> I'm glad you like Samuel's idea about extensible syntax for links.  I
> don't know if it is practical or not, but it was one of those ideas that
> seemed right on when I first read it.

I am glad you mentioned, it was an inspiration! Although this is sure to
move away from a standard new syntax, it is straightforward to subvert a
link like the following example to get more readable pre/post text
example. The quotes are necessary to get the list read
correctly. Whether this is useful remains to be seen, but it was fun to
work it out.

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results silent
 ;;  follow function
 (lambda (path)
   (let* ((data (read (concat "(" path ")")))
          (head (car data))
          (plist (cadr data)))
     (message-box "%s\n%s\n%s" head plist  (plist-get plist :type))))
 ;; format function
 (lambda (path description backend)
   (let* ((data (read (concat "(" path ")")))
          (head (car data))
          (plist (cadr data)))
     (format "\\%s[%s][%s]{%s}"
             (plist-get plist :type)
             (plist-get plist :pre)
             (plist-get plist :post)

[[slink:kitchin-2010 (:pre "See for example" :post "page 47" :type cite)]]

Exports to:

\cite[See for example][page 47]{kitchin-2010}

> All the best,
> Tom

Professor John Kitchin
Doherty Hall A207F
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

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