Aaron Ecay <aarone...@gmail.com> writes:

> The uppercase variants are important for correctness with names like
> “von Neumann”.  When we write a sentence which begins “Von Neumann
> (19xx) claimed that...” the “von” must be capitalized, though it
> should be lowercase in non-sentence-initial position.  Of course, we
> don’t need to copy the biblatex convention of capitalized command
> names to represent this in org.  Perhaps a :capitalize t property
> could be added, assuming one of the proposals is adopted that allows
> the inclusion of a property list in the citation.

So I guess Org cannot be used for game theory or CS papers. . .

I guess, in ox-latex it should use magically use the uppercase variants
depending on sentence-end or similar voodoo.  Like textcites would
automatically be used if there's more than one key.

Anyway, you are right.  But they should still not be exposed in the case a
limited set of biblatex keys are adopted.


In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they are not

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