Hello folks, I would like to receive desktop notifications (1* e.g below) for scheduled items. E.g if I schedule like this:
* Make Coffee SCHEDULED: <2015-03-02 Mon 01:30> Then I would like a desktop notification to pup up at 1:30 telling me to make coffee. I saw the org-notify package, but besides this post: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/59339 I didn't see any documentation on it, making it somewhat tricky to configure. I'd be willing to spend time figuring out the package, but I'm wondering, has someone got something like this to work already? And if so, would you be willing to share a 'high-level' overview? (I'd be happy to figure out the details). Thank you 1* I get a desktop notification if I run this command: (notifications-notify :title "Title" :body "This is <b>important</b>." :actions '("Confirm" "I agree" "Refuse" "I disagree") :on-action 'my-on-action-function :on-close 'my-on-close-function) ref: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Desktop-Notifications.html Leo Ufimtsev | Intern Software Engineer @ Eclipse Team